First Grade Teachers
Ms.Ellin, Ms. Scott, Ms. Smith, Ms. Torres, and Ms. Wilkerson
First Grade Curriculum at a Glance:
The student…
- Uses basic elements of phonetic analysis (ex. Hears, segments, substitutes and blends sounds in words)
- Uses sound/symbol relations and beginning letters (onsets) and patterns (rimes) as visual cues for decoding
- Uses context clues to construct meaning (ex. illustrations, knowledge of the story and topic)
- Uses information from a variety of sources (letters, sounds, pictures, background information, grammar) to figure out unknown words.
- Develops vocabulary by using references (ex. Illustrations, knowledge of the story and topic) to build upon prior knowledge
- Uses knowledge of word endings (including s, ing, ed, er, est, ful) to determine word meanings
- Uses a variety of strategies to comprehend text (ex. Inference, self-monitoring, predicting, retelling, discussing, restating ideas)
- Knows the main idea or theme and supporting details of a story or information piece
- Makes inferences based on text and prior knowledge (ex. Regarding traits, feelings, actions of characters)
- Reads for information used in performing tasks (ex. Directions, graphs, charts, signs, captions)
- Identifies fiction and non-fiction writing
Fluent writer…
- uses pre-writing strategies independently ( such as brainstorming, webs, etc)
- uses beginning, middle and end organizational formats in their stories
- uses word wall words, sensory words,
- uses conventional spelling with most frequently used words
- consistent use of spacing, capitalization and punctuation
- writes for a variety of purposes on their own
- able to plan, draft, conference, revise, edit, publish
Number sense
The student…
- counts, reads and writes numerals to 100 or more
- uses ordinal numbers 1st – 10th or higher
- compares and orders whole numbers to 100 or more (<,=,>) and compares two or more sets
- represents whole and fractional numbers using concrete materials and drawings (one-half, one-fourth, and three-fourths)
- represents equivalent forms of the same number up to 10 or more, through the use of concrete materials (including coins) diagrams and number expressions
- counts orally to 100 or more by 2s, 5s, 10s with and without a hundred chart
- uses concrete materials, pictures and symbols to show the grouping and place value of numbers to 100 or more
- demonstrates knowledge of addition (counting up, increasing) and subtraction (taking away, comparing, finding the difference) using manipulatives, drawings, symbols and story problems
The student…
- measures length, weight or capacity of an object using standard and nonstandard units
- estimates the passage of time using before or after, yesterday, today or tomorrow; day or night; morning, afternoon or evening; hour or half-hour
- knows and compares money values to one dollar
The student…
- knows and sorts 2 dimensional figures according to their attributes (ex. Vertices, edges, curves and faces)
The student…
- predicts and extends existing patterns that are concrete or pictorial
- uses concrete objects to solve number sentences with equalities and inequalities (using the symbols >,=,<)
- solves addition and subtraction sentences where an unknown number is represented by a geometric shape (ex. 2+ˇ =9)
Data analysis and probability
The student…
- uses mathematical language to read and interpret data on a simple concrete graph, pictorial graph or chart
- knows if a given event is more likely, equally likely, or less likely to occur (ex. six blue marbles and two green marbles in a bag
The Nature of Matter
The student…
- knows that objects can be grouped according to their physical characteristics (for example, shape, color, texture, form, size).
- knows the effects of heating and cooling on solids, liquids and gases.
- knows the physical properties of ice, water, and steam.
- knows that objects are composed of parts that are too small to be seen without magnification (for example, rocks, cookies, string, paper).
The student…
- knows that heat from the Sun has varying effects depending on the surface it strikes.
- predicts which materials will allow light to pass through and which ones will not.
- understands that models (for example, terrarium or aquarium) can be used to observe processes and changes over time.
- knows ways that human activities require and release energy.
- understands that people need food for energy.
- knows nutritional value of various foods (for example, fruit, cereals, dairy, meat).
Force and Motion
The student…
- knows the relative order of speeds of various objects (for example, snails, turtles tricycles, bicycles, cars, jets, rockets).
- knows that various things move at different speeds when different forces are applied.
- understands various ways gravity affects the motion of objects (for example, an object on a ramp, an object that is dropped).
- knows that vibrations of objects (for example, strings, drumheads, rubber bands) cause sounds.
Processes that Shape the Earth
The student…
- extends and refines knowledge that the surface of the Earth is composed of different types of solid materials.
- knows some kinds of organisms that live on or near the surface of the Earth in land, water, and air.
- uses graphic organizers to display weather data and show weather patterns.
- extends and refines knowledge of ways to care for the Earth at home and in school.
Earth and Space
The student…
- knows that the amount of light reflected by the Moon is a little different every day but the Moon appears the same again about every 28 days.
- knows that night and day are caused by the rotation of the Earth.
- knows and differentiates objects seen in the day and night sky (for example, clouds, Sun, stars, Moon, planets).
Processes of Life
The student…
- understands that living things need food, water, space, and shelter to survive.
- knows how to classify things as living and nonliving.
- knows ways organisms change as they grow and mature (for example, as people grow up their size changes).
- knows that living things grow and change in different ways and in different lengths of time (for example, butterfly, frog, daisy, pine tree).
- knows that plants and animals have adaptations that help them survive in their environment (camouflage, teeth, spines).
- understands different ways in which living things can be grouped (for example, plants/animals, edible plants/non-edible plants).
- knows that plants and animals are similar but not identical to their parents.
- knows plants and animals that live in a particular habitat (for example, black bears in the forest, whales in the ocean, camels in the desert, ducks in the wetlands).
- knows the characteristics of the climate in different habitats (for example, sunlight, moisture, temperature).
- knows some ways in which animals and plants are adapted to living in different environments.
How Living Things Interact with Their Environments
The student…
- knows that environments have living and nonliving parts.
- knows that plants produce oxygen and food for animals.
- understands that animals can be grouped according to what they eat.
- understands that living things are part of a food chain.
- knows some characteristics of different environments and some plants and animals found there.
- understands why living things must have food, water, shelter, and space to survive.
- understands that there are limited resources available for all living things to use.
The Nature of Science
The student…
- knows that scientific investigations generally work the same way in different places.
- understands the importance of accuracy and repetition in conducting scientific inquiries.
- works with others to complete an experiment or to solve a problem.
- listens, records, and compares the ideas and observations of others.
- uses simple graphs, pictures, written statements, and numbers to observe, describe, record, and compare data.
- uses a variety of tools (for example, thermometers, magnifiers, rulers, scales, computers) to identify characteristics of objects.
- uses standard (for example, centimeters) and nonstandard units (for example, paper clips, hands, pencils) to measure organisms and objects and parts of organisms and objects.
- uses information gathered to identify patterns in nature to make predictions (for example, shapes of leaves, petals on flowers, rings on seashells).
- knows that scientists and technologists use a variety of tools (e.g., thermometers, magnifiers, rulers, and scales) to obtain information in more detail and to make work easier.