Ms.Durni-Austin, Ms. Jensen, Ms. Sweeney, and Ms. Waitzman
Predicts using prior knowledge, captions and headings
uses strategies to determine meaning and increase vocabulary (ex., multiple meaning words, antonyms, root words)
develops vocabulary, monitors reading on or above grade level by rereading, self-correcting, summarizing & questioning
identifies main idea, details, makes inferences and identifies the sequence of events, author’s purpose, examples of fact, fiction or opinion, and recognizes and understands comparison and contrast, cause/effect & sequence of events
uses number sense to masters all basic facts, read, write, compare, and identify whole numbers, fractions, mixed numbers and decimals to the hundredths
locates numbers on the number line, and identifies equivalent and non-equivalent forms of numbers
uses estimation to solve problems and determines the operations needed to solve one-step and two-step problems
knows factors and multiples of numbers to 100
uses measurement to measure length, area, volume and perimeter
knows time intervals and common angle measures, and uses schedules, calendars and elapsed time to solve problems
compares length, weight and capacity using standard and non standard units
solves problems with estimated length, width, time, temperature and money
estimates the area and perimeter of a polygon and the volume of a rectangular prism
uses geometry and spatial sense to describe the attributes of two-dimensional and three-dimensional figures
performs flips, slides, 90 and 180 degree turns and tessellations
knows how area and perimeter are affected when geometric figures are combined
knows how to identify, locate and plot ordered pairs of whole numbers
uses algebraic thinking to describe and creates numerical and geometric patterns, and
analyzes number patterns
solves problems with equations or inequalities using models or graphs
uses data analysis and probability to choose a title, labels and interprets information on a graph
interprets and completes circle graphs using common fractions
identifies the mean, median, mode and range
records the possible outcomes of an experiment using common fractions
determines the statistical measures for data and explains the results
The student....
knows that the tilt of the Earth causes the change of seasons, length of day, and the amount of energy available.
understands the cause of the phases of the Moon (for example, the movement patterns of the Earth and Moon relative to the Sun).
knows how the energy of the Sun can be captured as a source of heat and light on Earth (for example, plants, solar panels).
knows characteristics of Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto.
knows that gravity is the one of the forces that keeps planets arranged in orbits around the Sun and the Moon in orbit around the Earth.
understands that the Sun is a medium-sized star located near the edge of a galaxy containing billions of other stars, which in turn is one of innumerable galaxies in the Universe.
knows how plants and animals interact with one another in an ecosystem (for example, organization of communities, flow of energy through food webs).
understands the relationship among organisms in aquatic and terrestrial food chains (for example, the role of producers, consumers, and decomposers).
knows organisms that act as decomposers.
understands the need for nutrients and minerals for living organisms.
understands the process of decay (for example, the stages of decay, the organisms that help the decay process, the nonliving factors that influence the rate of decay, the products of decay).
knows that organisms are growing, dying, and decaying and that new organisms are being produced.
knows that variations in light, water, temperature, and soil content are largely responsible for the existence of different kinds of organisms and population densities in an ecosystem.
knows the kinds of organisms that lived in the past and compares them to existing species.
knows characteristics that allow members within a species to survive and reproduce.
understands patterns of interdependency in ecological systems.
understands that what benefits one organism may be harmful to other organisms.
understands that changes in an ecological system usually affect the whole system.
knows that scientists make the results of their investigations public, and they describe the investigations in ways that enable others to repeat the investigation.
plans and investigates experiments in which hypotheses are formulated based on cause and effect relationships; distinctions are made among observations, conclusions/inferences and predictions; a limited number of variables are controlled; and numerical data that are contradictory or unusual in experimental results are recognized.
uses metric tools to measure, record, and interpret data.
works collaboratively to collect, share, and record information for a scientific investigation.
knows that comparisons between experiments can be made when conditions are the same.
knows that a model of something is different from the real thing, but can be used to learn something about the real thing.
makes predictions based on data from picture graphs, bar graphs, and line graphs.
knows basic patterns, sequences, and cycles occurring in nature.
knows that technologies often have costs, as well as benefits, and can have an enormous effect on people and other living things.
researches and reports on a science topic.
constructs and analyzes graphs, tables, maps, and charts to organize, examine, and evaluate information.
uses criteria to understand and analyze the impact of scientific discoveries (for example, determines whether or not scientific claims are backed by sufficient evidence and logical arguments).
knows ways that, through the use of science processes and knowledge, people can solve problems, make decisions, and form new ideas.