Your child’s safety is our main concern.
Please remember that if there must be a choice, safety always takes precedence over convenience.
Children may begin arriving to school as early as 8:15 a.m. Only children registered for ASP may be on campus before 8:15 in the morning. Students entering classrooms after 8:45 are tardy. Students arriving after 8:45 must sign in at the main office.
All visitors must sign in at the main office before entering the campus. Please wear the visitor badge you are given as long as you are on campus.
Children should not be checked out during the last hour of the school day unless it is an emergency. Students work all the way until the end of the day, so if they leave early they fall behind in their assignments and activities.
In case of inclement weather where lighting has been sighted, the official Orange County Public Schools Policy regarding the Delayed Dismissal will be implemented. This means all students will be kept for 30 minutes after the last time thunder is heard. All buses must also remain at school for this time frame. Children can be picked up by their parents if they sign them out in the front office. However, this is not recommended due to safety concerns and the high volume of cars in the pick-up circle. This is only for the safety of your child.
Dismissal time for all students is at 3:00 pm each day except on Wednesday when dismissal time is 2:00 pm.
After school care is available only for children in Dramatic Ed.
Please make sure that we have your most current phone number on file. This will help in case we have to do an Connect Ed telephone call/a message on TalkingPoints to notify you of any changes.